How to Squat:
3 Secrets to a Deep Squat
Studies show that lower body strength is an essential ingredient to longevity & good health. That's why I encourage everyone to squat: seasoned athletes, yoga teachers and practitioners, 30-year-olds, 80-year-olds, alike. The yoga squat, aka Malasana or Garland Pose, is a deep, full squat that engages your entire lower body, stretching and strengthening in ways that can significantly benefit your overall health and well-being.
Here's how being able to get into and maintain a yoga squat can benefit you:
1. Improves Flexibility and Mobility
2. Strengthens Lower Body Muscles
3. Enhances Digestion
4. Promotes Better Posture
5. Facilitates a Healthy Pelvic Floor
6. Encourages Mental Focus and Calm
7. Improves Balance and Coordination
8. Increases Overall Longevity & Joint Longevity
This 20-minute practice gives you the tools, the secrets to opening up those usual tight spots: the ankles, the knees and the hip flexors. Join me in this practice and let me know how your squat is going - like a before and after - in the comments.