
How to Squat: 3 Secrets to a Deep Squat

Have you seen that documentary about the Blue Zones on Netflix yet? Varina and I love a good documentary and this is one we really enjoyed. It is both entertaining and eye-opening.

The "Blue Zones" are areas of the world that are having this phenomenon where are living into their 100s and they are not just living that long. They are thriving! They are active and smiling and dancing. They are happy and healthy. And it's amazing to see.

And in these parts of the world they have a few things in common.

They are eating healthfully.

They are part of a community and they have a purpose.

And another interesting they all have in common is LOWER BODY STRENGTH and MOBILITY.

In Okinawa they are squatting in the garden. Squatting! At 102!

In Sardinia they are walking up extremely steep hills, developing and maintaining lower body health.

One thing Varina and I work on for ourselves and our clients is lower body strength and squatting has been a focus. It helps improve so much - the hips, the spine, the ankles, the knees.

So I am inspired to share a 20-minute squatting practice I recently put up on YouTube.

I share 3 secrets that shows you how to develop your lower body strength and mobility to be able to squat and it also helps you improve your squat if you already practice this regularly.

Even at 48 I do think about my life as an older woman and I know I want to be able to get onto and off the floor anytime I might want or need to and I want to be able to go up stairs. And I want to be able to dance and have fun and enjoy my life fully.

And this is one reason why squatting is so good. If you practice something every day, you will be able to do it every day for the rest of your life.

So join me in this practice. It will help you be more comfortable in a squatting position and it's also fun.


Low Back & Hip Mobility - Biomechanics-Based Yoga/Movement Practice (20 minutes)