
How to Power Up Glute Medius (The Most Underused Muscle in the Lower Body)

Glute medius is one of those muscles that is chronically underfunctioning on people with hip pain and prize winning athletes alike. Nearly everyone I see could use some work on their glute medius and not many exercises target that muscle and almost none do a great job of waking it up.

But this is one I've found that can do the job of taking a very sleepy muscle and wake it up. It's because here we learn how to isolate it and how to inhibit the takeover patterns that usually kick in during exercise and movement. So you break the bad habit, so to speak.

A strong glute medius is involved in nearly every hip pain or hip injury. It is present in hip osteoarthritis, hip labral tears, hip flexor pain and tightness, low back pain, scoliosis. You name it. The strength in this muscle can even prevent hip breakage in older age. The weakness and dysfunction of glute medius is a huge cause of hip discomfort and tightness and it can also be a side effect as well.

In athletes this muscle's strength allows more stability in movement, more agility and freer range of motion and mobility in the joints.

Basically, if you are human and you want your body functioning at its best, this is for you. Enjoy the magic of your glute medius.


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