
Improve Your Posture And Relieve Hip And Back Pain With This One Simple Thing!

From athletes to yoga teachers to people recovering from injury -- add this little thing to make a HUGE difference.

It's a cue that you can add to so many things you do throughout your day and to so many exercises. And it makes a big difference for your whole body. Add this cue to any exercise. Here we work together on how it works in a simple standing posture, in a forward fold to decompress the spine and in a chair pose to build more bone density, take pressure off the knee joints and train from standing to sitting and sitting to standing in a way that builds strength and joint longevity.

POSTURE: It has you align yourself so that your back, neck, hips & knees align better, preventing pain and injury. You will stand straight up and not hunch. Your hip flexors will be elongated so as to avoid folding at the hip while standing. Your neck will be free and mobile.

JOINT HEALTH: Prevent hip pain and injury , back pain, degenerative disc disease and bulging discs, neck pain, knee pain.


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