Skip to Videos Yoga & Biomechanics | for the Knees | for your Energy | for the Spine | for the SI Joint | for the Shoulders | for the Hips | for the SI Joint, Relieve SI Joint Pain Naturally | 3 Exercises for Recovery for the Hips, for the SI Joint, Fosse: À Stretch to Relieve Sciatic Nerve Pain and Piriformis Syndrome for the Shoulders, for the Hips, for the Knees, for the Spine, for the SI Joint, Deep Calf Release: a 15-Minute Practice of the Best Calf Stretches for the Spine, for the SI Joint, How to Relieve Bulging/Herniated Discs in the Low Back (L4-L5-S1) for the Hips, for the SI Joint, Clamshells: Why These Are Commonly Doing More Harm Than Good for the Hips, for the Knees, for the Spine, for the SI Joint, 3 Exercises for the Feet (Prevent & Resolve Plantar Fasciitis) for the Hips, for the Spine, for the SI Joint, TIGHT HIP FLEXORS: A Tight Muscle is a Weak Muscle for your Energy, for the Shoulders, for the Hips, for the Spine, for the SI Joint, How to Forward Fold Even If You Already Know How for the Hips, for the Spine, for the SI Joint, How to Power Up Glute Medius (The Most Underused Muscle in the Lower Body) for the Shoulders, for the Hips, for the Spine, for the SI Joint, Improve Your Posture And Relieve Hip And Back Pain With This One Simple Thing! for the SI Joint, How to Reset the SI Joint and Relieve Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction: Part 1 for the Hips, for the Spine, for the SI Joint, How to Squat: 3 Secrets to a Deep Squat for the SI Joint, How to Eliminate SI Joint Dysfunction Part 2